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Version: 5.0.0

Building Cluster Images Using exec and scp Commands

By default, sealos run xx only runs the command and copies the file on the first master node. When you want to run the command or copy files on specific nodes or all nodes, you can use the sealos exec or sealos scp commands when building the cluster image.

  • sealos exec: Connects to one or more nodes and runs any shell command;
  • sealos scp: Connects to one or more nodes and copies local files to remote nodes.

Although you can directly use these commands on the host, this article mainly describes how to use these two commands when building the cluster image using sealos build.

sealos exec Example

Below is an example of building an openebs cluster image. Before installing openebs maystor, some initialization operations need to be performed on the node, you can use sealos exec to achieve this.

First, create a base directory for building.

$ mkdir ~/cloud-images

Create a charts directory to store the kubernetes nginx helm charts file.

$ cd cloud-images

Create a file named Kubefile for image building:

$ cat Kubefile
FROM scratch
COPY manifests manifests
COPY registry registry
COPY opt opt
CMD ["bash"]

Create a script file named, the shell command after sealos exec will be executed on all nodes (create hugepage, load kernel modules on all nodes), but other commands will only run on the master node.

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

sealos exec "
echo vm.nr_hugepages = 1024 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/mayastor.conf
sysctl -p
sudo modprobe -- nbd
sudo modprobe -- nvmet
sudo modprobe -- nvmet_rdma
sudo modprobe -- nvme_fabrics
sudo modprobe -- nvme_tcp
sudo modprobe -- nvme_rdma
sudo modprobe -- nvme_loop
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/mayastor.conf

cp opt/kubectl-mayastor /usr/local/bin
kubectl label node --overwrite --all
kubectl apply -k ./manifests/mayastor/

Now, the charts directory is as follows:

├── Kubefile
├── manifests
└── opt

Now everything is ready, you can start building the cluster image.

sealos build -t labring/openebs-mayastor:v1.0.4 .

When you run the cluster image, sealos will run the script on the master node, but the shell command of sealos exec will run on all nodes. Finally, sealos will install openebs maystor storage on the master node.

sealos run labring/openebs-mayastor:v1.0.4

sealos scp Example

The following example copies the bin file to all nodes.

Create a file named Kubefile for image building:

FROM scratch
COPY manifests manifests
COPY registry registry
COPY opt opt
CMD ["seal

os scp opt/ /opt/cni/bin/","kubectl apply -f manifests/kube-flannel.yml"]

The opt file is as follows:

$ ls opt/
bandwidth bridge dhcp firewall host-device host-local ipvlan loopback macvlan portmap ptp sbr static tuning vlan vrf

Now everything is ready, you can start building the cluster image.

sealos build -t labring/flannel:v0.19.0 .

When you run the cluster image, sealos will copy the opt bin file to all nodes, then install flannel on the master node.

sealos run labring/flannel:v0.19.0